Abstract class Vs Interface in Java | Camparison | Java For Beginner | Difference Relations.

Abstract class Vs Interface

Sr No. Abstract Class Interface
1 Abstract has both Abstract and non-Abstract methods. Interface only have Abstract methods.
2 It have final,non-final,staticand non-static variables. It have only Final and Static variables.
3 It is Declare Using Abstract Keyword. It is Declare Using Interface Keyword.
4 Abstract Class Extends Another Java Class. Interface Extends only Java Interface only.
5 It can be extends using “extends” keyword. It can be implements using “implements” keyword.
6 Abstract class has class members to be private and protected. Interface has class members by default public only.
7 It Doesn't support Multiple inheritance. It support multiple inheritance.
8 Example:
public abstract class demo{
public abstract void disp();
public interface Demo{
void show();

Abstract class
A Java abstract class is a class which cannot be instantiated, meaning you cannot create new instances of an abstract class.

Declaring an Abstract Class in Java

public abstract class MyAbstractClass


Interface in java

An Interface is basically a kind of class. Like classes , interface has variables and methods but with some major differences.
The differences is that interface have :-
  1. Abstract and Final Methods and
  2. Abstract and static variables.

interface  Interfacename 
variables declaration;
Methods decalaration;

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