Write a client-server program using TCP or UDP where the client sends 10 numbers and server responds with the numbers in sorted order. (7 Mark)
Difference between Socket and Server Socket. (4 Mark)
Write a client server program using TCP where client sends a string
and server checks whether that string is palindrome or not and
responds with appropriate message. (7 Mark)
Write a client-server program using TCP sockets to echo the message
send by the client. (7 Mark)
Write a client-server java programs using TCP sockets to get server date
on client machine. (7 Mark)
Explain the following classes with their use. i. URLConnection class ii. DatagramSocket (iii) DatagramPacket class. (3 Mark)
Write a client-server program using UDP socket. Client send list of
N numbers to server and server respond the sum of N numbers. (7 Mark)
Write a client-server program using UDP socket. Client send the
list of N strings and server responds the concatenation of those
strings. (7 Mark)
Write a java program to find an IP address of the machine on which the program runs. (3 mark)
Write a sample code for client send a “Hello” message to server. (4 mark)
Chapter 2:- JDBC Programming.
What is JDBC? List out all various types of JDBC Driver. Explain Thick and
Thin driver. Write code snippet for each type of JDBC connection. Comment on
selection of driver. (7 Mark)
Show the use of PreparedStatement object to run precompiled SQL statement.Also write example of java snippet for PreparedStaement. (7 Mark)
What is HQL? How does it different from SQL? List its advantages. (7 Mark)
Write a Java Servlet to print BE Semester 7 Marksheet of entered
enrollment number by user using JDBC. (7 Mark)
Explain use of DatabaseMetaData with example. (3 Mark)
Write a Java Servlet to print BE Semester Marksheet of entered
enrollment number and sem no by student using JDBC. (7 Mark)
What is Server Socket? Explain in detail with an example. (7 Mark)
Write a UDP Client-Server program in which the Client sends any string and
Server responds with Reverse string. (7 Mark)
Explain ResultSetMetaData with suitable program. (3 mark)
Explain DataBaseMetaData with example. (3 mark)
Explain JDBC Transaction Management in detail. (7 Mark)
Chapter 3:- Servlet API and Overview.
Write small web application which takes marks of three subject and pass to
servlet. Servlet forward to model class having method getClass() and
getPercentage(). Display class and percentage in .jsp page. (7 Mark)
Differentiate the followings: GenericServlet vs HttpServlet.(4 Mark)
List and Explain various stages of Servlet life cycle. Explain role of web container. (7 Mark)
Design a form to input details of an employee and submit the data to
a servlet. Write code for servlet that will save the entered details as a
new record in database table Employee with fields (EmpId, EName,
Email, Age). (7 mark)
Explain role of Prepared Statement and Callable Statement with example. (7 mark)
Explain use of ServletConfig and ServletContext object with
example. (4 mark)
Explain various Session tracking mechanisms in servlet with
example. (7 mark)
What is Request Dispatcher? What is the difference between Request
dispatcher’s forward() and include() method? (4 mark)
What is web.xml? Explain it with code. (4 mark)
Design a form to input details of an employee and submit the data to a
servlet. Write code for servlet that will save the entered details as a
new record in database table Employee with fields (EmpId, EName,
Email, Age). (7 mark)
Write a Web application using servlet to find the sum of all the digits of
an input integer. (4 mark)
What is session? Explain session management using HTTPSession. (4 mark)
What is filter? What is its use? List different filter interfaces with their
important methods. (7 mark)
Explain Request and Response object in Servlet. (7 mark)
Discuss the use of GET and POST with example. (4 mark)
Write a servlet RegistrationServlet to get the values from
registration.html html page and display the contents. Write the
web.xml file. (7 mark)
Chapter 4:- Java Server Pages.
Differentiate the followings: doGet() vs doPost(). (4 Mark)
Differentiate the followings: Session and Cookie. (4 Mark)
Differentiate the followings: JSP vs Servlet. (4 Mark)
Write a student bean class with property student_name, enrollment_no, address
and cpi. Write jsp page to set and display all property. (7 Mark)
List and Explain various stages of JSP life cycle. Briefly give the function of each phase. (7 Mark)
Explain use of <jsp:useBean> action tag with example. (3 Mark)
Write a JSP program using JSTL SQL taglib to display student details in tabular form by iterating through the database table student. (4 Mark)
Explain JSTL core tags. (7 Mark)
Compare the include and forward action tags in JSP. (3 Mark)
Write Servlet program to create cookie. Also write code to display
contents of cookie on page. (7 Mark)
Explain the action tags used to access the JavaBeans from a JSP page
with example.(7 Mark)
Write JSP Page to demonstrate shopping cart using session feature of
JSP. (7 Mark)
What are the different methods to call java code from JSP page. ? Explain them. (4 mark)
Explain JSF Application Life cycle with diagram. (7 Mark)
Develop a jsp code which reads the student detail from web page and
stores it in database. (7 Mark)
Discuss JSP Exception Handling. (4 Mark)
Write a login.jsp page to get the login information from user and
authenticate user with the database with JSTL SQL tags. (7 Mark)
Chapter 5:- Java Server Faces2.0.
Draw the JSF request processing life cycle and briefly give the function of each phase. (7 Mark)
What is JSF tag library? Explain any four html tag. (4 mark)
Explain JSF Standard Component in detail. (7 Mark)
Write a short note on JSF Facelets. (7 Mark)
Draw the JSF request processing life cycle and briefly give the function
of each phase. (7 Mark)
List the JSF validation tag and explain any Two. (7 Mark)
Chapter 6:- Hibernate 4.0.
Explain the Hibernate cache architecture. (7 Mark)
What is OR mapping? Give an example of Hibernate XML mapping file. (7 Mark)
What is hibernate? What is main advantage of using hibernate than using SQL? (3 mark)
Explain Hibernate Architecture and Object Relation Mapping in
Hibernate with java code and required XML files. (7 Mark)
Discuss Hibernate Query Language. (3 mark)
Develop program to get all students data from database using
hibernate. Write necessary xml files. (7 Mark)
What is ORM? Explain object/relational mappings in hibernate. (7 Mark)
Chapter 7:- Java Web Frameworks: Spring MVC.
What is Spring Web MVC framework? List its key features. (7 Mark)
What is Dependency Injection? (3 mark)
What is Spring IoC container? (4 mark)
What do you mean by MVC architecture? Explain its role in modern applications with its advantages. (3 mark)
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