Important Question of Software Engineering (SE) GTU | IMP for SE | SE gtu | 2160701.

Important Questions of SE 

Chapter 1:- Introduction to Software and Software Engineering.

  • What is the importance of process model in development of software system? Explain prototype process model. (7 Mark)
  • Compare Prototype and RAD Process Model. (4 Mark)
  • Explain Waterfall process model. (7 Mark)
  • What is Software Engineering? What is Process? What is Product? (3 Mark)
  • Explain Spiral Model in detail. (7 Mark)
  • Explain Software engineering as a Layered technology. (3 Mark)
  • Compare Product and Process. (4 Mark)

Chapter 2:- Agile Development.

  • List the different Agile process model and Explain any one with suitable example. (7 Mark)
  • Explain Scrum with merits and demerits. (7 Mark)
  • Explain Adaptive Software Development Process Model. (7 Mark)
  • Discuss the concept of Agility. (3 Mark)
  • Explain Extreme Programming (XP) in detail. (7 Mark)

Chapter 3:- Managing Software Project.

  • Explain Risk Management. (7 Mark)
  • Explain project scheduling and tracking with suitable example. (7 Mark)
  • Compute function point value for a project with the following domain characteristics: (3 Mark)
    No. of I/P = 30
    No. of O/P = 62
    No. of user Inquiries = 24
    No. of files = 8
    No. of external interfaces = 2
    Assume that all the complexity adjustment values are average.
  • Explain RMMM. (4 Mark)
  • Explain COCOMO model for project estimation. (4 Mark)
  • Draw the Time-line chart for the Library Management System. (4 Mark)
  • What is Software Measurement? Explain Software metrics used for software cost estimation. (7 Mark)
  • Explain project scheduling process. Explain Gantt Chart in detail. (7 Mark)
  • Explain Software metrics used for software cost estimation. (7 Mark)

Chapter 4:- Requirement Analysis and Specification.

  • What is Requirement Engineering? List the Functional and Non Functional requirement for Library Management system. (7 Mark)
  • Enlist characteristic of SRS.Write a SRS for college management system. (7 Mark)
  • Draw the ER diagram for the system that is known to you. (4 Mark)
  • Write a short note on Requirement Engineering.(7 Mark)

Chapter 5:- Software Design.

  • What is Object Oriented Design of a system? Draw the Use case diagram and Class diagram for Library Management system. (7 Mark)
  • What is the importance of User Interface? Explain User Interface design rules. (7 Mark)
  • Explain the different design concepts. (7 Mark)
  • What is architectural design? Enlist different style and patterns of architecture. (4 Mark)
  • Explain different design Concepts in details. (7 Mark)
  • Define Coupling and Cohesion.What is the difference between cohesion and coupling. (7 Mark)
  • What is activity diagram and Swim-lane? Draw activity diagram for billing Counter of a shopping mall. (7 Mark)
  • Differentiate Procedural Design and Object Oriented Design. (3 Mark)

Chapter 6:- Software Coding & Testing.

  • Explain the various coding standard. (7 Mark)
  • What is the importance of SQA? Explain the SQA activities. (7 Mark)
  • What are the different levels of testing? Explain any one with suitable example. (7 Mark)
  • What is mobile testing? Mention the challenges in mobile testing. (4 Mark)
  • Explain Integration testing. (7 Mark)
  • Compare and contrast alpha and beta testing. (3 Mark)
  • Explain the process of code review. (4 Mark)
  • Explain White Box Testing With an Example. (7 Mark)

Chapter 7:- Quality Assurance and Management.

  • Compare: Quality Control Vs. Quality Assurance. (4 Mark)
  • Explain Formal Technical Review. (3 Mark)
  • Write short note on Six Sigma standard. (3 Mark)
  • What do you mean by Quality for a software? Enlist and explain SQA activities in brief. (7 Mark)
  • Explain the importance of Software Quality Assurance. Also explain different CMM levels. (7 Mark)

Chapter 8:- Software Maintenance and Configuration Management.

  • Explain Software Configuration Management. (7 Mark)
  • Explain Software Re-Engineering process model. (7 Mark)
  • Difference between reverse engineering and forward engineering. (4 Mark)
  • Explain SCM process in details. (7 Mark)
  • Explain Version and Change Control Management. (4 Mark)
  • Explain Software maintenance. (7 Mark)

Chapter 9:- Software Engineering and Software as a Service.

  • Explain Software as a Service (SaaS). (7 Mark)

Chapter 10:- Advanced Topics in Software Engineering.

  • Write a short note on: CASE. (7 Mark)
  • Explain Client/Server Software Engineering. (7 Mark)
  • The WebE process model. (3 Mark)
  • Describe CASE building blocks. (4 Mark)
  • Explain Web Engineering. (7 Mark)
  • Write a short note on Component-Based Software Engineering. (7 Mark)

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