Chapter 1:- Introduction to Software and Software Engineering.
What is the importance of process model in development of software system?
Explain prototype process model. (7 Mark)
Compare Prototype and RAD Process Model. (4 Mark)
Explain Waterfall process model. (7 Mark)
What is Software Engineering? What is Process? What is Product? (3 Mark)
Explain Spiral Model in detail. (7 Mark)
Explain Software engineering as a Layered technology. (3 Mark)
Compare Product and Process. (4 Mark)
Chapter 2:- Agile Development.
List the different Agile process model and Explain any one with suitable
example. (7 Mark)
Explain Scrum with merits and demerits. (7 Mark)
Explain Adaptive Software Development Process Model. (7 Mark)
Discuss the concept of Agility. (3 Mark)
Explain Extreme Programming (XP) in detail. (7 Mark)
Chapter 3:- Managing Software Project.
Explain Risk Management. (7 Mark)
Explain project scheduling and tracking with suitable example. (7 Mark)
Compute function point value for a project with the following domain characteristics: (3 Mark)
No. of I/P = 30
No. of O/P = 62
No. of user Inquiries = 24
No. of files = 8
No. of external interfaces = 2
Assume that all the complexity adjustment values are average.
Explain RMMM. (4 Mark)
Explain COCOMO model for project estimation. (4 Mark)
Draw the Time-line chart for the Library Management System. (4 Mark)
What is Software Measurement? Explain Software metrics used for software
cost estimation. (7 Mark)