Important Question of Net Technology (.net) GTU | IMP for .net | .net gtu | 2160711.

Important Questions of .NET C#

Chapter 1:- Introduction to .NET Framework.

  • Explain .Net framework architecture with diagram and also discuss IL,CLR, CTS and CLS. (7 Mark)
  • What is End to DLL Hell? (3 Mark)
  • Explain compilation process of .NET program. (3 Mark)
  • Draw neat and clean diagram of .NET framework. (3 Mark)
  • Differentiate between Managed and Unmanaged Code in .Net framework. (4 Mark)
  • Explain the importance of MSIL? Which tool is used to compile theIL language? (4 Mark)
  • What is Delegate? Explain in brief. (4 Mark)

Chapter 2:- C# - The Basics and Console Applications in C#.

  • What is method overloading? Explain it in brief with suitable example in C#. (7 Mark)
  • Write console based program in code behind language VB or C# to print following pattern. (7 Mark)
    1 2
    1 2 3
    1 2 3 4
  • Explain the significance of Property and Indexers with example. (7 Mark)
  • Explain Constructor and Destructor with example. (4 Mark)
  • Create a console application in C# which demonstrates inheritance. Is multiple inheritance supported in C#? Justify. (7 Mark)
  • Explain Garbage Collection in .NET. (3 Mark)
  • Discuss C# Reflection API using an Example. (4 Mark)
  • Write a console application to Perform Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion and Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion. (7 Mark)

Chapter 3:- C#.NET.

  • What is Namespace ? Write a short note on Namespaces. (7 Mark)
  • What is Debugging and Error Handling in Dot Net Technology? Explain with proper example. (7 Mark)
  • Write a C# program to generate divide by zero exception and also handle this exception. (4 Mark)
  • What is inheritance? Create C# console application to define Car class and derive Maruti and Mahindra from it to demonstrate inheritance. (7 Mark)
  • What is Structured Error Handling in C#.NET? Explain with proper example. (7 Mark)
  • Explain the use of StreamReader and StreamWriter class for FileStream with example. (4 Mark)
  • List down commonly used namespaces in .NET and briefly explain any two namespaces. (4 Mark)
  • Write a C# program console application to define shape class and derive circle and rectangle from it to demonstrate inheritance. (7 Mark)
  • “C# Constructor can return the value “ - Justify. (3 Mark)

Chapter 4:- ADO.NET.

  • What do you mean by managed provider? How managed provides are supported in ADO.NET. (7 Mark)
  • Draw and explain ADO.NET architecture with its new features. (7 Mark)
  • Explain usage of following ADO.Net objects with their methods. (7 Mark)
    1) SqlDataAdapter
    2) SqlCommand object
    3) Dataset
  • Explain data binding with Gridview control related to ADO.NET Technology. (7 Mark)
  • Explain the significance of SQL Connection and SQL Command in database connectivity. (4 Mark)
  • Differentiate between connected and disconnected data access. (4 Mark)
  • Write an ADO .NET program which shows records from student_master(rollno, name, email, city, phone) on a Windows form in DataGrid control. (7 Mark)
  • Explain ExecuteNonquery method for command object. (3 Mark)

Chapter 5:- Windows Forms and Controls in details.

  • What is Dialog? Explain following Dialogs with its usage. 1) FolderBrowserDialog 2) OpenFileDialog 3) ColorDialog 4)SaveDialog. (7 Mark)
  • Write a C# program which creates windows form with one Button,Textbox. When button is clicked it should display Color Dialog Box. When a color is selected from the dialog box, it should be set as background color of the text box. (7 Mark)
  • Write a C# program which creates windows form with two List Boxes listBox1, listBox2, and button named Transfer. When button is clicked it should transfer all items from listBox1 to listBox2. (7 Mark)
  • Write a short note on MDI form in C#.NET. (3 Mark)

Chapter 6:- Mastering Windows Forms.

  • What is GDI+? (4 Mark)
  • List out various windows form controls. Explain any three of it. (3 Mark)
  • Differentiate between Master Page and Theme Page in ASP.NET. (4 Mark)

Chapter 7:- ASP.NET.

  • Explain various Validation controls for ASP.NET with example. (7 Mark)
  • Write a program to change width of a textbox control programmatically in (4 Mark)
  • What is View State? Explain with example. (3 Mark)
  • Explain in brief ASP .NET Page Life cycle. (4 Mark)
  • Explain AdRotator Control with example. (4 Mark)
  • What is AJAX? Give ASP.Net code to use Update Panel control. (7 Mark)
  • What is Theme? Create skin file to format various controls and give code to apply theme in ASP.Net webpage. (7 Mark)
  • Write a program to change color of Label text control programmatically in Asp .Net. (4 Mark)
  • Compare Repeater and DataList control with example. (7 Mark)

Chapter 8:- Themes and Master Pages.

  • Explain the concept of master pages in ASP.NET with example. (7 Mark)
  • How can you implement Master page in Web Base? Explain clearly with example. (7 Mark)

Chapter 9:- Managing State.

  • What is Cookies and Session ? How to create Cookies and Session? Explain with its syntax and write ASP.NET program to illustrate the concept of Cookies and Session. (7 Mark)
  • What is cookieless Session ID? Explain in brief. (3 Mark)
  • What is state management? Explain Session and Cookie with suitable example. (7 Mark)

Chapter 10:- Creating and Consuming Web Services.

  • What is webservice? Create a web service to add two numbers. Also give code to consume it. (7 Mark)
  • Create a web service to add two numbers. Also give code to consume it. (7 Mark)
  • Enlist and explain the steps to consume a Web service. (4 Mark)

Chapter 11:- Advanced in .NET.

  • Write a short note on WCF. (3 Mark)
  • List out the features of WPF. (3 Mark)

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