Important Question of Web Technology GTU | IMP for WT | wt gtu | 2160708.

Important Questions of WT

Chapter 1:- Introduction.

  • Explain following protocols. (Any Two) (7 Mark)
    1. HTTPS 2. FTPS 3. IRC
  • Draw and explain architecture of web browser. (7 Mark)
  • List features of Web 2.0. (3 Mark)
  • Briefly explain following: 1) Web server 2) Blogs (4 Mark)
  • What is HTTP? How do browser and server communicate using HTTP request and response? Explain with example. (7 Mark)
  • Draw and Explain Web Browser Architecture. (3 Mark)

Chapter 2:- Web Design.

  • What is navigation? Discuss the characteristics of effective navigation. Also write code of html page to open a link in a new browser window. (7 Mark)
  • Explain different design issues at the time of designing an effective website. (4 Mark)
  • Explain the points which should be considered for planning a website. (3 Mark)
  • Discuss how display resolution affects web site design. (3 Mark)

Chapter 3:- HTML.

  • Explain following html tags with proper example. (Any Three) (7 Mark)
    1. <input> 2. <span> 3. <ul> 4. <frameset>
  • Differentiate between GET and POST method. (3 Mark)
  • What is the different between HTML and XHTML? (3 Mark)
  • Explain ordered and unordered list with example. (4 Mark)
  • What is an HTML form tag? Discuss the different form attributes and design a simple form to register for new user including user_name, password, email, mobile number, gender and hobbies. (7 Mark)
  • Write a form to collect details of a user such as name, address, radio button to choose subject of book he wants to buy, Dropdown to choose favorite author and comments for the last book he read. (7 Mark)
  • What is Metadata? Explain with example how Metadata is included in a document? Also show how can following be achieved with the help of Metadata? (7 Mark)
    (i) Stop the page from being listed.
    (ii) Set an expiration date
    (iii) Stop the browser from caching a page.
    (iv) Give a context for date so that it can take format DD-MM-YYYY
  • What are frames? List out its advantages and disadvantages. (4 Mark)
  • List and explain various list tags in HTML with example. (4 Mark)
  • Explain Ordered list with example. (3 Mark)
  • Explain following HTML tags with example (i) <select> (ii) <pre>. (4 Mark)

Chapter 4:- Style sheets.

  • Explain different ways to write the CSS with example. (7 Mark)
  • Write CSS code for the following: (3 Mark)
    i) set the background color for the hover and active link states to "yellow".
    ii) Set the list style for unordered lists to "square".
    iii) Set "paper.gif" as the background image of the page.
  • What do you mean by “class” and “id” in CSS? Explain with Example. (4 Mark)
  • Write HTML and CSS code for the following: (7 Mark)
    (i) set the background color for the active link states to "yellow".
    (ii) Set the list style for unordered lists to "square".
    (iii) Set "paper.gif" as the background image of the page.
  • What is Cascading Style Sheet? Compare inline, embedded and external style sheet with example. (4 Mark)
  • What is positioning in CSS?. Explain it with example. (7 Mark)

Chapter 5:- JavaScript.

  • Answer the following:- (7 Mark)
    1)Differentiate between Client Side Scripting and Server Side Scripting.
    2)Enlist inbuilt object of JavaScript. Explain any one in brief.
  • Write a JavaScript to find first 10 prime numbers. (7 Mark)
  • Explain event handling in JavaScript. (7 Mark)
  • Write a JavaScript to check input string is palindrome or not. (7 Mark)
  • Explain the Document Object Model. Explain any two document object with example. (7 Mark)
  • What is client side scripting? Write an HTML and JavaScript program which accepts N as input and print first N odd numbers. (7 Mark)
  • Explain different types of Pop-box in javascript. (3 Mark)
  • What is Event in DHTML? Show the use of events to change background color with DHTML. If mouse button is pressed, background color should be blue. If mouse button is released up, background color should be green. (7 Mark)
  • Write a JavaScript, that uses a loop, that searches a word in sentence held in an array, returning the index of the word. (4 Mark)
  • Design a login form using HTML & JavaScript with following validations on username and password fields. (7 Mark)
    1. Password length must be 6 to 12 characters
    2. Username should not start with _, @ or number.
    3. Both should not be blank.
  • Create HTML Page with JavaScript which takes Integer number as input and tells whether the number is Prime or Not. (7 Mark)
  • Write a Java Script to read data from XML File and print it in tabular manner. (7 Mark)
  • Design HTML form which include two fields username and password. Write javascript code to show and hide password. (7 Mark)
  • Write a JavaScript that handles following events. (7 Mark)
    (i) Gives the key code for the key pressed.
    (ii) The script should give message that "vowel is pressed" if vowel keys are pressed.
    (iii) Background color should change to red after releasing the pressed key.
  • Show the use of JavaScript events for the following ; (7 Mark)
    (i) Trap the exiting of the user from a page.
    (ii) Show the heading. When the mouse is over the heading the background color should be red and when the mouse goes out of the heading, color should change to blue.
  • State true or false and justify your answer : “Java Script is untyped language”. (3 Mark)
  • Write a JavaScript that handles following events. (7 Mark)
    (i) If the mouse is over heading, change font color to “red” and if the mouse goes out of the heading change it to “black”.
    (ii) If key pressed is ‘a’,’e’,’i’,’o’,’u’, the message should be displayed on pop up box that “vowel is pressed”.
    (iii)If “Date and Time” button is clicked it displays current date and time information.

Chapter 6:- XML.

  • Difference between DTD and XML Schema. (4 Mark)
  • Difference between XSD Simple element and XSD Complex element. (4 Mark)
  • Explain XML key component. (7 Mark)
  • Explain following XSL (XML style sheet Element):
    i) if
    ii) for-each
  • What is XML? Write an XML file to store information of books. (4 Mark)
  • Give full form of following acronym. (3 Mark)
    (1) XSL (2) WML (3) SOAP (4) DTD
  • Explain RSS elements with example. What are the uses of RSS? (3 Mark)
  • What is SOAP? Explain the role of SOAP in web services. (4 Mark)
  • Develop XML File for book record and also write a DTD and XSL for it. (7 Mark)
  • Write XML file to store information about Music_Album having fields of Title, Singer, Music_Composer, Actor, Language, Country and Release_Year. Also write corresponding external DTD file. (7 Mark)

Chapter 7:- PHP.

  • Explain types of array in PHP with example. (7 Mark)
  • Write a PHP script to print following pattern. (7 Mark)
  • Explain session and cookies in PHP with proper example. (7 Mark)
  • Explain date() function in PHP. (3 Mark)
  • What PHP can do with header() command? (3 Mark)
  • Write a PHP script to print first N Fibonacci numbers. (4 Mark)
  • Write a PHP program to upload image. And also check file size should not greater than 30 KB. (7 Mark)
  • Write a PHP program to find whether entered year is leap year or not. (7 Mark)
  • What is use of “break” and “continue” statements in PHP scripts? (3 Mark)
  • Explain following string functions with example in PHP: ucwords() and strpos(). (4 Mark)

Chapter 8:- PHP and MySQL.

  • Explain PHP and WAMP server in detail. (7 Mark)
  • Write a web application code using PHP, HTML and MySql for Employees that stores employee’s id, name, department, designation, etc. in database. Create proper GUI including buttons that run separate .php file for each database operation like insert, update, delete etc. (7 Mark)
  • Write a PHP script that validate email address using Regular Expression when user click on VALIDATE button. (7 Mark)
  • Write PHP code to read data from a text file and display it in browser. (7 Mark)
  • Write php code to create database state, create table city(cityname, area,population) and insert data from table. (7 Mark)
  • Write php code to read from a file and display it in browser. (7 Mark)
  • Explain database connectivity in PHP with example. (7 Mark)
  • Write a PHP script to store user registration details (user-name, address, date of birth, age, pan card, gender) with MySQL database. (7 Mark)

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