Important Question of Computer Graphics (2151603) | CG Gtu | Gtu Exam | Mid Sem.

Important Questions of CG

Chapter 1:- Introduction to Computer Graphic

  1. Differentiate raster scan display and random scan display.(3 mark)
  2. Explain CRT with neat diagram. (7 mark)
  3. List the applications of computer graphics and discuss any one. ( 4 mark)
  4. Draw the architecture and explain working of raster scan display system.(7 mark)
  5. Explain Working principle of Plasma Panel Display. ( 4 mark)
  6. What size of frame buffer (in bytes) is needed for raster system with resolution of 640 x 480 to store 12 bits per pixel?(3 mark)
  7. Explain beam penetration method in detail. ( 4 mark)
  8. Write short note on DVST. (4 mark)
  9. Explain different techniques for producing color displays with a CRT. (7 mark)
  10. Write a brief note Emissive displays. (7 mark)

Chapter 2:- Graphic Primitives

  1. Derive all formulas to scan convert a line using Mid Point line drawing algorithm. Write a function midline(x1, y1, x2, y2) which draws a dotted line between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).(7 mark)
  2. Explain DDA line drawing algorithm.(3 mark)
  3. Give advantages of Bresenham line drawing algorithm. Demonstrate line from (20, 10) to (30, 18) with all necessary calculation.(7 mark)
  4. Explain the steps in midpoint circle drawing algorithm with suitable diagram.(7 mark)
  5. Generate all raster points on the line segment , if the two end points are given as (10,20) and (18,30) by using Bresenham’s algorithm.(7 mark)
  6. Derive all formulas to scan convert a line using Mid Point line drawing algorithm. Write a function midline(x1, y1, x2, y2) which draws a dotted line between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). (7 mark)
  7. How point and line generated in graphics system? Explain in short. ( 4 mark)

Chapter 3:- Filled Area Primitives

  1. Briefly explain Scan line polygon filling algorithm.( 4 mark)
  2. Explain boundary fill algorithm with merits and demerits.( 3 mark)
  3. Explain 4 and 8-connected boundary filled algorithm with example.(7 mark)
  4. Write a program in ‘C’ for Boundary fill algorithm (8 connected region).(7 mark)
  5. Explain scan line polygon filling algorithm with example.(7 mark)
  6. Explain flood fill algorithm in detail.(7 mark)
  7. What is aliasing? How to compensate the aliasing? Explain in detail. (7 mark)
  8. List and explain text attributes with example. (3 mark)
  9. Explain odd-even rules with example. ( 4 mark)
  10. What is inside-outside test? List out the method for inside-outside test. (3 mark)
  11. Write short note on Antialiasing. (3 mark)
  12. Explain non zero winding rule. (3 mark)
  13. Explain Starbust method used for character generation. (4 mark)

Chapter 4:-2 D Transformation

  1. Derive 2 X 2 transformation matrix for each of the following. (a) Rotation about origin. (b) Fixed point scaling.(7 mark)
  2. A triangle is defined by P(2, 2), Q(4, 2) and R(5, 5). Find the transformed coordinates after 90 degree clockwise rotation followed by reflection about line y = -x.(7 mark)
  3. Derive matrix for 2D rotation. (3 mark)
  4. Consider a square with left bottom corner at (2,2) and right top corner at (6,6). Do the transformation which makes its size half while its’ center remain same. Find the new vertices.(7 mark)
  5. Consider a triangle with vertices A(1,1), B(5,2), C(3,4). Find out the transformation matrix which rotates given triangle by angle 45o with reference to vertex C. Also find the new vertices.(7 mark)
  6. What is shear transformation? Explain X-shear and Y-shear with example.(7 mark)
  7. A polygon has 4 vertices located at A(20,10) B(60,10) C(60,30) D(20,30).Calculate the vertices after applying a transformation matrix to double the size of polygon with point A located on the same place.(7 mark)
  8. What is Geometric Transformation? List out all two dimensional geometric transformation? And explain any one in details. (4 mark)

Chapter 5:- 2 D Viewing and Clipping

  1. Clip the line using Liang Barsky algorithm against window with (xwmin, ywmin)= (0,0) and (xwmax, ywmax)=(100,50). Line end points are A(10, 10) and B(110, 40).(7 mark)
  2. Explain Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm with example.(7 mark)
  3. What is window and view-port? Retrieve equation for the scaling factor to map the window to view-port in 2D viewing system. (7 mark)
  4. List different polygon clipping algorithms and explain any one of them.(7 mark)
  5. Consider a rectangle with left bottom corner at (0,0) and right top corner at (8,4). Clip the line P1P2 with vertices P1(-1,1) and P2(9,3) against the given rectangle using Cyrus-Beck line clipping algorithm.(7 mark)
  6. Explain NLN line clipping algorithm with proper example(s).(7 mark)
  7. List the demerits of Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm.(3 mark)
  8. Explain Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon Clipping with example.(7 mark)
  9. How Nicholl-Lee-Nicholl line clipping algorithm reduce the computation of unnecessary intersection point.(7 mark)
  10. Write a short note on Viewing Pipeline. (4 mark)

Chapter 6:- 3 D Concepts and Object Representing

  1. Explain the Bazier curves and surfaces.(7 mark)
  2. Derive the equations of Geometric continuities for Bezier Curve.(4 mark)
  3. Derive 3D Rotation matrix.(7 mark)
  4. Explain reflection with respect to any plane in 3D transformations.(7 mark)
  5. Explain Hermite curve with necessary equations. (4 mark)
  6. Explain B-spline curves and surfaces. (7 mark)

Chapter 7:- 3D transformation and viewing.

  1. Explain parallel and perspective projections. (4 mark)
  2. What is called parallel projection? Briefly explain all types of parallel projection.(4 mark)
  3. Give different between parallel and perspective projection.(3 mark)
  4. Difference between parallel and perspective projection.(7 mark)
  5. Briefly explain 3D viewing process. (4 mark)
  6. Find the composite transformation matrix for mirror reflection of a 3D object with respect to the plane passing through the origin and having a normal vector whose direction is N = I + J + K. (7 mark)
  7. Derive transformation matrix for parallel projection onto xy plane. (7 mark)

Chapter 8:-Advance Topics

  1. Explain RGB and XYZ color models. (7 mark)
  2. Explain RGB color model.(3 mark)
  3. Explain z-buffer visible surface determination algorithm.(7 mark)
  4. Explain HSV color model.(4 mark)
  5. Explain RGB and CMY color model.(4 mark)
  6. Explain back face detection in details.(4 mark)
  7. What is ambient light and Diffuse illumination. (3 mark)
  8. What is depth buffer method? Write and explain the steps of a depth buffer algorithm. (7 mark)
  9. Explain various light sources. (4 mark)
  10. Explain YIQ and CMY Color Model. (7 mark)

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  1. It is very useful.. Thank you👍

  2. Very nice Bro ����

  3. Nice one bro....really I need this for exam....tysm bro

  4. 1. Derive all formulas to scan convert a line using Mid Point line drawing
    algorithm. Write a function midline(x1, y1, x2, y2) which draws a dotted line
    between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).

    where can i find answer for this question ?

    1. Bro you can find this Ans from Technical, Darshan pdf or Any reference Book. Not exact question can be there but you will understand.
      thank you.
